My most competitive child was born last and has the last birthday of the year for our family. He longs to be FIRST, the BEST, the WINNER and really wants a little BROTHER, so he's not the youngest. I can't help him with the latter request, but I can blog about him first! Where do I begin? Let's start with the morning. He gets up quickly and is ready to start his day. He knows what to expect because that is the last thing he asks before he goes to sleep. He likes to follow a calendar and he already makes lists. He loves to get his school work done quickly and if I am not quick enough, he will check his work! Just yesterday, while doing math, I asked him to rewrite the number two. When he did, I said, "That's better." He said, "Mom, I thought you would say outstanding!" What's a mom to do?! She lays him at the foot of the cross and ask God to grant him a heart that puts Him FIRST, that he would give his BEST to Jesus, that he would help WIN souls for Christ and that he would be instrumental in bringing lots of LITTLE BROTHERS to Christ.
Mothering Trent has taught me so much. I've learned lots about trusting, grace and forgiveness. Trent is our question asker, so that keeps me seeking the face of God, as I only teach about God from my overflow.
Now you've met my third gift, join me in praying for him.
This describes him to the "t"! And this is coming from the Uncle that he SO often "sheats" against while playing games. I pray that he grows to become an even greater thinker and competitor, and most importantly, he lets God be first lol!