Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Joy Journey Book

I have started my first book on my Joy Journey and I want to share some thoughts with you. Immediately, in the forward, I was challenged to recognize the difference between fleeting happiness (outward) and real joy (inward). The assurance that the enduring work of the Holy Spirit was sent, in part, to give us His joy is evident.

I loved these lines from the introduction, " one's temperament is irrelevant when it comes to joy."

Join me on the journey of "not what people call happiness, but joy. Not health or wealth, but joy. Not an easy ride and fun, but joy." It's the joy that is unspeakable and full of glory!

Let's journey on!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation. Too often I blame my personality/temperament on my attitude! I need to readjust my thinking.
