Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Joy Journey Book

I have started my first book on my Joy Journey and I want to share some thoughts with you. Immediately, in the forward, I was challenged to recognize the difference between fleeting happiness (outward) and real joy (inward). The assurance that the enduring work of the Holy Spirit was sent, in part, to give us His joy is evident.

I loved these lines from the introduction, " one's temperament is irrelevant when it comes to joy."

Join me on the journey of "not what people call happiness, but joy. Not health or wealth, but joy. Not an easy ride and fun, but joy." It's the joy that is unspeakable and full of glory!

Let's journey on!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Trent, Our Caboose

My most competitive child was born last and has the last birthday of the year for our family. He longs to be FIRST, the BEST, the WINNER and really wants a little BROTHER, so he's not the youngest. I can't help him with the latter request, but I can blog about him first! Where do I begin? Let's start with the morning. He gets up quickly and is ready to start his day. He knows what to expect because that is the last thing he asks before he goes to sleep. He likes to follow a calendar and he already makes lists. He loves to get his school work done quickly and if I am not quick enough, he will check his work! Just yesterday, while doing math, I asked him to rewrite the number two. When he did, I said, "That's better." He said, "Mom, I thought you would say outstanding!" What's a mom to do?! She lays him at the foot of the cross and ask God to grant him a heart that puts Him FIRST, that he would give his BEST to Jesus, that he would help WIN souls for Christ and that he would be instrumental in bringing lots of LITTLE BROTHERS to Christ.

Mothering Trent has taught me so much. I've learned lots about trusting, grace and forgiveness. Trent is our question asker, so that keeps me seeking the face of God, as I only teach about God from my overflow.

Now you've met my third gift, join me in praying for him.

My Three Gifts

This is what the Sovereign Lord chose to give me as gifts. I am forever grateful for them. Over the next week or so, I 'll introduce you to each of them.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Today is a day of beginnings. I am beginning this blog! YIPEE! It has been on my to do list for a while. Nothing like the pressure of meeting my January 1st goal. It's 10:57 as I type! I am also beginning a read through the bible in its entirety regiment. Lastly, I am starting this year/decade with a word of the year. My word is JOY. James1:2 says, Consider it all JOY...."All" packs a lot of punch for a three letter word. It is my prayer that I can stay on my joy journey this year. I began the journey around Thanksgiving. As I reflected on the things I was thankful for I realized that those things were never in the forefront of my mind. My "half-empty" mentality thwarts my ability to look at the good first. It is my prayer that thankfulness will be the overflow of practicing JOY. I made a pit stop at our church's Christmas Eve service. The message mentioned joy, as it is often mistaken for happiness. We were reminded to seek joy and to consider it all joy. The reminder that it is one of the fruit of the spirit penetrated to the depths of me. I knew then I needed to focus on JOY. I love it when God takes something I've heard many times, even quoted and breathes a fresheness of the Word on me. I am eager to begin my word study, read books about JOY and seek the face of God, as He is my ultimate source of JOY.

My prayer for you is Romans 15:13. Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Until we stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy....